Having trouble with your Advantage Air zone controller? Here’s a selection of the most common fixes, as well as a full list of fault codes and solutions that might solve the issue.
The best thing you can do to fix an unresponsive Advantage Air zone controller is to reset the system. This often clears any faults that have occurred and gets things back to normal.
To reset the system, follow these steps:
The controller timer function allows you to set whenever the AC turns on, to help save electricity. However, it’s easy to set a timer, forget about it, and then wonder why the system isn’t turning on when you want it to. If you’re having this issue, check the timer presets to ensure that you’re not trying to turn the system on outside of hours, and delete the timers if you need to.
If you’re having problems with temperature levels in your rooms, you may have an issue with the wall sensors. Advantage Air includes temperature wall sensors in every individual zone, which are run on battery power. If these batteries are running low, the controller will display a “low” warning on the zones page. Replace the batteries if so.
Software almost always has bugs—it’s the nature of the beast. And developers need to fix them and then roll them out as part of app updates. If you’re having problems with your Advantage Air zone controller, it may be a known bug that developers have already fixed, and all you need to do is update your MyPlace app in the App Store (Apple devices) or Play Store (Google/Android devices).
If your Advantage Air controller has an error, you can find the issue through the status code displayed. Here is every Advantage Air fault code and how to fix them, taken directly from their website:
Status Code | Meaning | Hot To Fix |
AA1 | Communication error between Advantage Air componentry and A/C unit. | If you have not done so, please follow the troubleshooting steps at the top of the page. |
AA2 | Multiple unit controllers detected. | If you have not done so, please follow the troubleshooting steps at the top of the page. |
AA3 | Communication error | If you have not done so, please follow the troubleshooting steps at the top of the page. |
AA4 | System is not detecting any temperature sensors | 1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info
AA10 | Commissioning or Setup Error. | Please call your air-conditioning specialist. |
AA11 | Commissioning or Setup Error. | Please call your air-conditioning specialist. |
AA22 | Your wall mounted touch screen is no longer connected to the internet. Please connect the touch screen to the internet. | 1. Go to tablet settings > Wifi/Connections |
AA26 | Remote access is working. | No Fault or troubleshooting required. |
AA33 | Apps on the wall mounted touch screen are out of date. | 1. Ensure the touch screen is connected to the internet. |
AA42 | Your Apple device cannot locate the Advantage Air wall mounted touch screen. | Please try these steps: |
AA43 | Your Android device cannot locate the Advantage Air wall mounted touch screen. | Please try these steps: |
AA44 | There is a communication error between your wall mounted touch screen and the control box. | If you have not done so, please follow the above troubleshooting steps. |
AA45 | Communication error. | 1. Check your mobile data is enabled for your Advantage Air App in Phone Setting and App Settings |
AA46 | Communication error. | 1. Check your mobile data is enabled for your Advantage Air App in Phone Setting and App Settings |
AA48 | The wall mounted touch screen has not been paired with your Apple device. | To pair the Apple device with the wall mounted touch screen: |
AA49 | The wall mounted touch screen has not been paired with your Android device. | To pair the third party Android device with the wall mounted touch screen: |
AA50 | The Advantage app on your Apple device has detected a new system. | If the if you have more than one system follow the below steps: |
AA60 to AA68 | Commissioning or Setup Error. | Please call your air-conditioning specialist. |
AA71 | Apple mobile device has 0 systems stored and no wifi connected (using 3/4G). | Reconnect your Apple device to the exact same Wi-Fi network as the wall mounted touch screen. |
AA72 | Android mobile device has 0 systems stored and no wifi connected (using 3/4G). | Reconnect your third party Android device to the exact same Wi-Fi network as the wall mounted |
AA81 | Wall sensor has been detected but either no zone has been allocated or more than one zone has been allocated on a particular sensor. | 1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info |
AA82 | Wall sensor has been detected but either no zone has been allocated or more than one zone has been allocated on a particular sensor. | 1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info |
AA83 | Wall sensor has been detected but either no zone has been allocated or more than one zone has been allocated on a particular sensor. | 1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info |
AA86 | Wireless wall sensor has been detected but has a low battery reading. | 1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info |
AA89 | Multiple sensors have been detected in the same zone. | 1. Please ensure each sensor has System ID set correctly. Found in Setup > Advanced Info |
If you find that particular zones are turning back on again, it’s because they are designated “constant” zone. Constant zones must always stay on to relieve air pressure in the system, so they will automatically turn back on if you try to turn them off.
You can identify them by the “C” that sits alongside the zone itself on the controller.
Advantage Air designed their app to wake up with a firm double tap (not a single tap). Give this a try, and the app should immediately wake up.